Sunday, April 8, 2007

Changing the Easter Bunny?

ABC News reported yesterday that a Rhode Island public school rechristened the "Easter Bunny" to Peter Rabbit because the former was too Christian. It looks like the Christmas wars have extended to Easter and all in the name of political correctness. You certainly would never see something like this occurring at Hogwarts. Neither the Board of Governors or Headmaster Albus Dumbledore would change anything regarding Easter, which is celebrated at that venerated British school of wizardry. This is something for the "Harry Haters" to consider. Students during this time are off from school and many elect to travel home for the holidays. As Harry Potter fans know, Mrs. Weasley usually sends Easter eggs filled with sweets to Harry and company. I would like to point out that the Easter egg has long been regarded as a symbol of Christ pointing to the rock tomb out of which Jesus emerged to new life in His resurrection. That said I would like to wish everyone a Happy Resurrection Day.

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